Lecture: Pleasant Roads, Sustainable Cities
For the Reclamation of the City-Street as a Space for all!
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Vanessa Carlow, as part of the lecture series of the Braunschweigische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft on 12.12.23
During the Academy Lectures in the Braunschweiger Schloss in 2023 by the Braunschweigische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, topics of current mobility research will be highlighted by leading scientists in mobility research.
Prof. Dr. Vanessa Carlow is holding a lecture regarding pleasant roads and sustainable cities: "The Reclamation of the City-Street as a Space for all!" from 6.30 – 7.30 pm on December 12, 2023 at the "roter Saal" in the Braunschweiger Schloss.
About the Lecture:
Streets are the backbone of urban life. They are public spaces in which often contradictory functions, interests and needs of the heterogeneous urban society urban society overlap. Mobility - a driving force of economic and social progress and one of the basic prerequisites for the emergence and of the emergence and development of cities - faces major challenges, such as decarbonization and the mitigation of other negative impacts on people and ecosystems. How can urban design and Urban Planning drive the necessary transformations? What do the urban spaces of the future that support and promote responsible mobility? Promote responsible mobility? And what can interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research contribute to this.
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