On 31 Oct. 2008 Berlin shut down the Tempelhof airport and thus reclaimed a unique area of land. Same year, the Senate Building Director of Berlin, therefore proposed that the development of Tempelhofer Freiheit should be qualified by a 3rd International Building Exhibition.
    The ensuing discussions quickly showed: a 3rd International Building Exhibition to confront the pressing problems of European metropolitan areas must go far beyond the crystallisation point of Tempelhofer Feld and include locations in the entire city.
    The concept “Capital City. Spacious City. Instant City” proposed to focus on affordable housing and the reactivation of the under-used resources of the city.
    More info here

    On 31 October 2008 Berlin shut down the Tempelhof airport and thus reclaimed a unique area of land. Already in 2008, the Senate Building Director of Berlin, therefore proposed that the development of Tempelhofer Freiheit should be qualified by a third International Building Exhibition.
    The ensuing discussions quickly showed: a third International Building Exhibition to confront the pressing problems of European metropolitan areas in the 21st century must go far beyond the crystallisation point of Tempelhofer Feld and include locations in the entire city.
    The concept “Capital City. Spacious City. Instant City” proposed to focus on affordable housing and the reactivation of the under-used resources of the city: fallow and under-used buildings and land by engaging the citizens and users of the city. For almost a year, the IBA Studio was the place to discuss the future development of the city.
    Due to the city’s austerity policy, the IBA was cancelled in 2013. However, the city continues to work on the question of affordable housing and urban living intensely.

    Berlin, Germany

    Vanessa Miriam Carlow, Berlin

    assistance architect:
    Vanessa Miriam Carlow with Jana Gutge, Daniel Vedder, Leo Stuckard, Melanie Missfeldt, Niklas Kuhlendahl, Stefan Liczkowski, Adriano Hellbusch,

    Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt, Berlin


    Markus Bader (Raumlabor Berlin), Sonja Beeck, Martin Heller, Thilo Lang, Pamela Dorsch

    End of Planning: