TU Braunschweig eröffnet Standort in Singapur

TU Braunschweig opens location in Singapore
The TU Braunschweig has gained a foothold in Singapore. On October 15, 2019, the new office of the Technical University of Braunschweig in Singapore was opened as part of the ISUrF-Hub
(Industrial Symbiosis and Urban Factories Hub) officially opened.

The preparations for this were completed by the employees of the Institute for Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology (IWF) and the Institute for Sustainable Urbanism (ISU) in good time before a delegation from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) visited Singapore. In the presence of Dr. Zeisel, Mr. Maennel and Dr. Waldvogel-Mohr from the BMBF, Mr. Zuchan as representative of the German Embassy in Singapore and Dr. Tan from the cooperation partner Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech), the opening was held together with Dr. Mennenga and Mr. Thiede from the IMF accompanied them with a symbolic silhouette.

The long-term cooperation with SIMTech goes back to 2002. The collaboration was gradually intensified, starting with short-term visits and meetings with scientific staff. Today, joint workshops and seminars, mutual visits and the exchange of scientists and exchange students are part of everyday life and form the basis for intensive project-based cooperation and long-term friendship on a personal level.
The BMBF-funded research projects JoSITURF (Joint SIMTech-TU Braunschweig Research Factory for Urban and Energy Efficient Manufacturing through ICT) and ISUrF-Hub also play a major role in this. After JoSITURF has already successfully consolidated the common vision and the complementary further development of the learning factories at the TU Braunschweig ("Die Lernfabrik") and at SIMTech ("Model Factory"), the ISUrF-Hub project goes one step further. The goal is to set up a project center and thus a permanent research presence in one of the most versatile and versatile metropolises in the world. In addition to topics such as digitization, cyber-physical production systems and energy efficiency, research at the Singapore location focuses on the interface between urban development and production. This is exactly what Singapore offers a unique environment for investigations on living objects. The proximity to the research partner is given; Only a short elevator ride separates us from our colleagues at SIMTech.
The new office is the first step and starting point for the further expansion of the project center in Singapore. In the future, it will accommodate our researchers during their stay in Singapore and will also offer exchange students their own workspace. We are very much looking forward to the further exchange and an exciting further cooperation.